Call Thesmophorus, spermatic God [Dionysos], of various names, who bears the leafy rod:
Mises [Misa], ineffable, pure, sacred queen, two-fold Iacchus, male and female seen:
Illustr'ous, whether to rejoice is thine in incense offer'd, in the fane divine;
Or if in Phrygia most thy soul delights, performing with thy mother sacred rites;
Or if the land of Cyprus is thy care, well pleas'd to dwell with Cytherea [Kythereia] fair;
Or if exulting in the fertile plains with thy dark mother ISIS, where she reigns,
With nurses pure attended, near the flood of sacred Egypt, thy divine abode:
Wherever resident, blest pow'r attend, and with benignant mind these labours end.